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In preparation of a technical S/4HANA conversion it is mandatory to convert (CVI conversion) Customers and Vendors into Business Partners. Maybe you struggle with merge of Customer and Vendor into one Business Partner at CVI conversion. This Blog post is about to clarify how to handle old Customer/Vendor-Business Partner Mapping with tables BD001 and BC001.

CVI conversion has to be processed in ECC environment as a preparation step for technical S/4HANA conversion. All Customers, Vendors and Contact Persons has to be converted into Business Partner.

Target audience: Functional expert, Development expert

Version: SAP ECC 6.0 or higher


The table BD001 and BC001 is used to save the mapping of Customer to Business Partner and Vendor to Business Partner in old Customer-Vendor-Integration in a release ERP 500 or lower.

Now from release ERP 600 onwards the new CVI (Customer-Vendor-Integration) solution was delivered (complete re-design of the "old" Customer-Vendor-Integration with additional possibility to do synchronization bi-directional). The design-decision when switching from the old solution to the new one was that the old links will remain in BD001/BC001 table untouched and new links will be created in the new table CVI_CUST_LINK/CVI_VEND_LINK. But only new created Customer and Vendor is stored in new CVI_CUST_LINK/CVI_VEND_LINK tables.

Also, the old links will never be taken over into CVI_CUST_LINK/CVI_VEND_LINK according to the current design.

In ERP and S/4HANA, the tables BD001 and BC001 are still considered when reading the Customer/Vendor assignment to Business Partner (i.e. if no entry is found in CVI_CUST_LINK the system checks in BD001, same for vendor, if no entry found in CVI_VEND_LINK the system checks in BC001)

But check logic of SUM (Software Update Manager) is based on CVI-link tables and will prevent to convert the system to SAP S/4HANA.

In this case a conversion of BD001 and BC001 entries into CVI_CUST_LINK/CVI_VEND_LINK tables is needed.

Initial situation

to keep it simple I will focus on one example customer AM007 which has already a Business Partner AM007 assigned to at table BD001.

You have run MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT to convert Customer into Business Partner.

Conversion status is green. No error occurs and it seems that Customer has been converted into Business Partner.

If you check now completeness (Transaction CVI_COMPL_CHK) of Business Partner conversion this Customer is listed as not converted yet although a assigned Business Partner exists.

Existing Business Partner is shown in Transaction CVI_LINKS.

Remark: Transaction CVI_LINKS has been introduced with following SAP Notes:
3392347 - CVI_OTH: Texts in transaction CVI_LINKS
2873728 - CVI_OTH: Report CVI_LINKS as improvement for MDS_LINKS

But there is a remark that CVI mapping is stored in table BD001. Double check with transaction SE16N and tables BD001 and CVI_CUST_LINK.

Conversion Steps

Conversion of tables BD001 and BC001 has to be executed with 2 phases.

  1. Consistency Check

  2. Conversion/Migration

For consistency check and conversion of tables BD001 and BC001 some reports needs to be executed.

Consistency Check

To find and clean inconsistencies please follow instructions of SAP note 1105558 - BP_CVI: Migration report from Note 851445 terminates.

Reports of this SAP note have to run first before you run next steps. Following inconsistencies could occur:

  • the BP does not exist (anymore)

  • the customer/vendor does not exist (anymore)

  • two or more business partners refer to one customer or vendor

Once you have identified the inconsistencies using the suggested reports, these inconsistencies must be removed. (The tables BD001 and BC001 can be edited in transaction SE16.)


It is very important to keep the sequence of this given reports.

Analyze Customer Tax Numbers - CVI_ANALYZE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS

The report checks the customer and business partner tax data in the system. This report must be executed before the report that synchronizes the business partner and customer tax data (CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS) and before the report that migrates the business partner and customer link table (CVI_MIGRATE_CUST_LINKS).

To display check result run Application Log (Transaction SLGD) with

Object: FS_PROT

External ID: your Unique Run ID


Analyze Vendor Tax Numbers - CVI_ANALYZE_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS

The report checks the vendor and business partner tax data in the system. This report must be executed before the report that synchronizes the business partner and vendor tax data (CVI_SYNC_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS) and before the report that migrates the business partner and vendor link table (CVI_MIGRATE_VEND_LINKS).

To display check result run Application Log (Transaction SLGD) with

Object: FS_PROT

External ID: your Unique Run ID


Synchronize Customer Tax Numbers - CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS

The report synchronizes the customer and business partner tax data in the system. This report must be executed before the report that migrates the business partner and customer link table (CVI_MIGRATE_CUST_LINKS).

Dependent on your leading object (Customer or BP) choose the direction.

  • Switch Direction Automatically

    If you activate this option then the system always overwrites the object with no tax numbers, irrespective of the synchronization direction chosen.

To display check result run Application Log (Transaction SLGD) with

Object: FS_PROT

External ID: your Unique Run ID


Synchronize Vendor Tax Numbers - CVI_SYNC_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS

The report synchronizes the vendor and business partner tax data in the system. This report must be executed before the report that migrates the business partner and vendor link table (CVI_MIGRATE_VEND_LINKS).

Dependent on your leading object (Vendor or BP) choose the direction.

  • Switch Direction Automatically

    If you activate this option then the system always overwrites the object with no tax numbers, irrespective of the synchronization direction chosen.

To display check result run Application Log (Transaction SLGD) with

Object: FS_PROT

External ID: your Unique Run ID


Migrate Customer Links - CVI_MIGRATE_CUST_LINKS

The report migrates the customer and business partner links in the system from the table BD001 to the table CVI_CUST_LINK. Migrating and then deleting the contents of the table BD001 can lead to improved performance. Old entries can only be deleted after the reports that analyze and synchronize the business partner and customer tax data (CVI_ANALYZE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS and CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS) have been executed.

To display check result run Application Log (Transaction SLGD) with

Object: FS_PROT

External ID: your Unique Run ID

Customer AM007 assignment has been migrated successfully.


Migrate Vendor Links - CVI_MIGRATE_VEND_LINKS

The report migrates the vendor and business partner links in the system from the table BC001 to the table CVI_VEND_LINK. Since the system continues to read from the table BC001, this report does not necessarily have to be executed.  Migrating and then deleting the contents of the table BC001 can lead to improved performance. Old entries can only be deleted after the reports that analyze and synchronize the business partner and vendor tax data (CVI_ANALYZE_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS and CVI_SYNC_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS) have been executed.

To display check result run Application Log (Transaction SLGD) with

Object: FS_PROT

External ID: your Unique Run ID



This report migrates the role Customizing of customer-specific business partner roles for the current customer-vendor integration. The report can be executed independently of the other reports.

  • Delete old configurationIf you set this indicator, then the report deletes all obsolete applications and datasets from the business partner views and resets the field modification status for the obsolete fields groups to "not specified" for all relevant roles. This setting only comes into effect if the Update Run Update Run option is selected and it cannot be reversed once it has been executed. If you execute the report without setting the Update Run indicator, you can then run the report as many times as you like.Once you have successfully executed the report, we recommend that you execute it again without activating deletion. Once you have successfully imported the changes into all relevant systems/clients, execute the report with activated deletion and then import these deletions into all relevant systems/clients.For example
    You have defined business partner view "ZZFLCU  Customer" in the system. The BDT applications "Fi/Log: Customer Connection" (FLCU), "FinAcctg: Customer Connection" (FICU), and "Log: Customer Link" (LOCU) as well as the datasets "General Customer Data" (FLCU00), "Customer Company Code Data" (FICU00), "Company Code Data Customer Dunning Data" (FICU01), and "Customer Sales Data" (LOCU00) are assigned to this business partner view.

    The BP view "ZZFLCU  Customer" is assigned to the business partner role "ZZFLCU  Customer" and the fields "authorization group" (field group 373) and "reconciliation account" (field group 221) are defined as required entry fields.

    The report replaces the applications with the new BDT application "Customer Link" (CVIC).  It exchanges old datasets for new ones. It also defines the new field groups "authorization group" (1801) and "reconciliation account" (1848) as required entry fields.

Check Migration Result

Business Partner Conversion completion check

Run Transaction CVI_COMPL_CHK to check if customer AM007 is still displayed as not converted completely.

Customer - Business Partner link check

Run Transaction CVI_LINKS to check if Customer AM007 is assigned to Business Partner with table CVI_CUST_LINK.


Clean Up tables BD001 and BC001

BD001 entry of customer has been converted now successful. BD001 entry can be deleted now at transaction SE16N.



Further SAP Notes:

2601760 - What's the difference for the entries in BD001/BC001 and CVI_CUST_LINK/CVI_VEND_LINK?

851445 - BP_CVI: Details about reports to be executed for ERP 2005