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Baffling John Barnes

Many of us of a certain generation will remember John Barnes as a seriously talented footballer. In addition, he has always been pretty articulate and seemingly a lot brighter than most footballers (admittedly a low bar) as well as coming from a very solid and affluent background

Which makes his disastrous personal finances even more baffling. In addition to the latest penalties (and I am resisting the line that he was always a good “penalty taker”), I appear to recall that he’s been declared bankrupt at least once before

I also recall a quote that he simply “didn’t care about money” but surely there comes a point…

I believe it’s better to care a little less about money than too much but surely such a recklessly cavalier approach is going to result in considerable personal stress?

I also believe that some people are a little addicted to personal danger and I personally know someone who has recklessly stretched themselves in too many directions and simply got involved in areas that any sensible person would have avoided. And its collapsing all around him

The motivation for doing so or simply not caring are unclear but this brings up the ever present truism that credit is about people as much as it is about numbers. There can be little clues in the engagement and the questions answered or avoided, which can be very significant as either a positive or a negative

Thats why when lenders seek to engage on a long term relationship, they insist upon meeting the clients and rightly so.

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