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Dear SAP customers and partners, dear ABAP developer community,

ABAP  Platform Trial 1909 is available now. ABAP Platform Trial replaces the former Developer Edition 1909. With ABAP Platform Trial 1909 we want to return to you what the ABAP developer community and many SAP customers and partners were missing for a long time: a standalone ABAP trial offering free of charge which you can use for your own educational purposes, for your own configuration and test setups and as a home for your open source projects. Over the last year, we have been in close contact with the SAP Mentors and DSAG (Sebastian Freilinger-Huber and team from AK Development) to better understand their needs and to find a way to offer the trial version again.

Like its predecessor, ABAP Platform Trial is a docker image containing an ABAP application server (ABAP Platform 1909 SP 07) running on top of the SAP HANA 2.0 database and SAP Cloud Connector. You can pull the entire image from docker hub and create a docker container from it, see ABAP Platform Trial on Docker.

ABAP Platform Trial on Docker Hub

ABAP Platform Trial is modeled as an official SAP product and therefore is delivered through a delivery program. A delivery program ensures that the product meets all SAP product and delivery standards. Special thanks to the SAP HANA team who helped us to get started and for their support during the project.

In this fast-paced world with Cloud and AI everywhere version 1909 might sound a bit like an anachronism. However, this version is still in broad use by SAP customers. It was a good starting point for our new delivery approach. We are already working on a subsequent delivery for ABAP Platform Trial 2022 (we leave out version 2020 and 2021). We plan to deliver ABAP Platform Trial for every new ABAP Platform release (version 2023, 2025 and 2027 according to the release strategy for SAP S/4HANA). In addition, we plan to update ABAP Platform Trial subsequently whenever a new SP update for ABAP Platform is released. Please note that the ABAP Platform Trial roadmap like any other SAP roadmap is subject to the usual roadmap disclaimers.

ABAP Platform Trial 1909 is a docker image and very easy to install. You need to get Docker Desktop installed on your Windows laptop or Mac. Then you open a command prompt or Terminal:
docker pull sapse/abap-platform-trial:1909
docker run --stop-timeout 3600 -i --name a4h -h vhcala4hci -p 3200:3200 -p 3300:3300 -p 8443:8443 -p 30213:30213 -p 50000:50000 -p 50001:50001 sapse/abap-platform-trial:1909 -skip-limits-check

Please make sure you have enough main memory on board (>=32 GB). The documentation readme on docker hub provides additional technical details.

Once the docker container is up and running you can log on with ABAP Development Tools for Eclipse, via SAP GUI or via SAP Fiori Launchpad, see screen shots below. Enjoy your ABAP Platform Trial 1909.

The available scope including the preconfigured scenarios are described in Julie Plummer's ABAP Platform Trial rollout blog.

ABAP Platform Trial is a team effort. Many colleagues have contributed in many ways. I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the core team:

  • Ralf Henning who owns, develops and maintains (upgrade, patch) the master image,
    drives the content and test efforts

  • Stephan Daub who drives the delivery program end to end

  • Jakub Filak who develops the docker image and scripts for publication on docker hub

  • Natalia Brik, Roman Anisovich, Irina Petrov and Derna Hetherton for their support
    around non-ABAP technical assembly

  • Frank Rotter who validates our delivery tasks

  • Sandra Thimme who executes the test plan

  • Julie Plummer who writes the rollout information and interacts with the community

  • Roland Brethauer and Matthis Langhoff for security validation and export classification

  • Bettina Knauss for her CAL support

I would like to thank the SAP Mentors for their continuous engagement. Special thanks go to the following SAP Mentors for testing the image and providing their valuable feedback and input: Gregor Wolf, Wouter Lemaire, Martin Fischer and Paul Hardy.

Last but not least I would like to thank you all for your patience regarding this topic. We will keep you in the loop and should something happen unexpectedly we will brief the SAP Mentors and SAP user groups prior to the publication on external media.

Best regards


ABAP Platform Trial in Docker Desktop

ADT connected to ABAP Platform Trial

SAP Fiori app on ABAP Platform Trial

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