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Using a binocular to watch the horizon of the sea | Foto: Peter Kasprzyk on Unsplash

Strategic Foresight

Imagine yourself as a captain of a ship, navigating through uncharted waters with your crew. You have a map, a compass, and all the necessary tools to reach your destination, but the unpredictable currents and shifting tides can make the journey challenging. Similarly, organizations today must navigate through the ever-changing business landscape, where technology, workforce dynamics, and global events are constantly creating new obstacles and opportunities. The key to success is having a clear concept for unraveling the future of work and being prepared for what lies ahead. This is where Strategic Foresight comes into play.

Strategic Foresight is like having binoculars that help organizations scan the horizon, anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, and make informed decisions. It's a powerful tool that can give organizations a competitive advantage and ensure long-term success.

Our Future of Work Trend Report 2023

As a first product of our own foresight and horizon scanning activities, we have recently launched our Future of Work Trend Report 2023. It covers twelve key trends along our Future of Work agenda - which is the Future of Workforce, the Future of People Practices and the Future of the HR function itself.

To give you a sneak peek, I want to touch on four future of work trends that organizations need to keep an eye on:

1) Skill Transformation

The world of work is changing faster than ever, and the skills that were in demand yesterday may not be relevant tomorrow. With new technologies and job roles emerging, organizations must invest in upskilling and reskilling programs. Continuous, lifelong learning is crucial for employees and employers alike to stay ahead of the curve.

2) Hybrid Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way we work, and remote work has become the norm for many. But as the world begins to recover, organizations must find ways to balance the benefits of remote work with the benefits of in-person collaboration. The future of work is a hybrid model that strikes a balance between remote and in-office work, supported by the right technology and aiming to foster a culture of trust and community, where everyone feels empowered for individual flexibility yet connected to the broader organization.

3) Artificial Intelligence

AI is like a powerful engine that can help organizations work smarter and faster. For the future, we need to explore how to include AI systems as fundamental part of the workforce. But, just like any tool, it must be used responsibly to deliver maximum benefits and avoid unintended consequences. Organizations must ensure that the implementation of AI aligns with their values and ethical standards as well as data privacy policies.

4) Multi-generational Workforce

The workforce is becoming more diverse, with multiple generations working side by side. Organizations must find ways to leverage the strengths of each generation and create an inclusive workplace that provides equal opportunities for career growth. In addition, with an aging population, more people are likely to stay longer in the workforce and challenge organizations to come up with alternative, flexible ways of retirement.

In conclusion, strategic foresight is a crucial tool for organizations to navigate the ever-changing business landscape with confidence. By anticipating and adapting to trends such as skill transformation, hybrid work, artificial intelligence, and a multi-generational workforce, organizations can chart a course towards the Future of Work and reach their destination with ease.


To read the full Future of Work Trend Report 2023, please follow the link HERE.

How do you "tackle" the future - and which trends do you think will shape our Future of Work? Share your thoughts in the comments!