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Configuration Validation in SAP Solution Manager is a powerful tool which can help you to know the technical configuration of your SAP systems and also utilize to manage your landscape consistency according to organization requirement

As a requirement, I have also utilized configuration validation to monitor the SCC4 changes in SAP systems according to below blog  -

This is a complete blog with all the require details to complete the setup of SCC4 monitoring and integration with technical monitoring however this blog doesn't highlight one of the the major challenge which is related to time of triggering alert via technical monitoring based on client setting change time.

By Default, SAP set the extractor to run and collect data from SCC4 of satellite system on daily basis(24 hours cycle) but as per my understanding this measure is not correct because no one open the QA or Prod client for 24 hours until any major thing happened.

My requirement is when anyone change the client(SCC4) setting then with the default interval (300 sec), technical monitor should throw the email alert however this is not possible as per the template design.

I have tried to change the extractor framework settings to run on minimum interval but this is not possible to change it in "MINUTES". 

The least possible option is to change extractor to run "EVERY HOUR" to collect the SCC4 data from satellite system and this can be achievable by following below method -

Login into your Solution Manager and run tcode - CCDB

CCDB Main Page

Click on Technical Systems -

CCDB Technical Systems

Filter the technical system by Extended SID and click on the same and it will show you the complete stores as below -

Store Name Filters

Filter the Store Name with "CLIENTS" and click on Store Details -

Client Store Details

The above screen will display the Store Definition and Store Status.

Click on Template Definition -

Template Definition

Change the SAP Default - "Daily" to custom "Hourly" and save the template.

Click on Logs -

Store Log Changes

You can validate the extractor logs are updating on HOURLY basis.

P. S. - Change the extractor from Daily to Hourly basis will also give extra load on your solution manager as per SAP designed. it's better to validate first with SAP before any extractor schedule change.


Hope this helps.


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