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Logic creation or finding FM for new reports or uploading program.

There are three ways:

1.Standard Function module

2.Tables method

3.Using package


  1. Standard function module


We can check sap standard function module which having words like *getdetail*,*create*,*Change* etc from SE37.

Suppose we need purchase order details report then we can use BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL. Where we need to enter purchase order number and have to check mark on respective field and click on execute.


from the output of tables we can get data which would be required.



To check the function module from the table level execute tcode se16n and enter TFTIT.

Now suppose we required Purchase order related function module then we can enter data as given below.


If we required program name for the bapi then we can use table TFDIR.


Se37: Use

Execute the tcode se37 and click on F4 .Now click on SAP APPLICATION. From here select the correct component and you can get right FM.




2.Tables method

You can provide logic from table level also. If you don’t know the right table then you can check it from the program.

For example, purchase order creation tcode is ME21N and the program name is SAPLMEGUI.

Pass program name in FM GET_TABLES and get all tables name. Execute se16n and enter tables in DD02L with input TABCLASS= TRANSP.

From this method you can get table of any program and reports.


3. By using Package

Function module,tables and program can be find by using package of tcode.

First of all check the package number and then check method of that package.


Execute the tcode se93 and enter the tcode here and click on display button.

Pass this package number in se80 and drill down the business engineering field.



Select the respective business object types and click on the same.



Now drill down the methods tab and click on description.


from here you can get correct fm.


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