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When you log in to your Cloud Integration tenant you might see a notification like this:

Camel 3 upgrade notification

This is important if you have custom adapters installed.

The mentioned SAP Note covers important points. After completing the process I thought it would be helpful to document the high-level process step by step.

1- First you contact SAP support to create a "Camel 3 test tenant".

2- Develop your adapter to use new pom.xml Camel and ADK(adapter development kit) versions. In the code import Camel 3 classes. You can also create a new adapter project then copy your code. Just don't change scheme, metadata, or version of your adapter.

Blog post for creating a new adapter project from command line:

Example pom.xml part:

Example Java imports:

Checking ID and version of the existing adapter:

currently deployed adapter on camel 2 tenant


3- When the "Camel 3" tenant is available you can run your new adapter by deploying it the regular way. Monitor -> Manage Integration Content -> Upload (+ button near search)

Uploading adapter to Camel 3 test tenant

4- Test your scenarios in Camel 3 test tenant.

5- When you are happy with the results. Now you can deploy this to your productive tenant, using "Settings"-> "Camel 3.14 Upgrade" -> Upload

Upload camel 3 adapter to existing tenant

6-Now you just need to wait until SAP automatically upgrades your tenant and deploys the new version of the adapter.


Here is a diagram for the components involved

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