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The Stock Market’s Tangled Web: How It Can Affect Your Credit Score

Credit Absolute

The stock market is often seen as a distant entity, a realm of high finance reserved for Wall Street professionals. Yet, for the average American, the rise and fall of stock prices can significantly impact their personal credit score. This article explores the complex interplay between the stock market, consumer behavior, and creditworthiness in the […] The post The Stock Market’s Tangled Web: How It Can Affect Your Credit Score appeared first on Credit Absolute.

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Navigating DCAA Accounting: A Comprehensive Guide for Government Contractors

Accounting Department

When it comes to compliance with government regulations, navigating the intricacies and nuances of DCAA accounting is essential for any government contractor. DCAA stands for Defense Contract Audit Agency, a branch of the Department of Defense that is tasked with auditing and evaluating proposal and contract costs for the government.


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The Dynamics Behind AR Automation

Your Virtual Credit Manager

My first exposure to the power of accounts receivable (AR) automation came in 1990 when I was credit manager at ERICO Fasteners, a mid-market, specialty metals manufacturer. The first month after we automated a few basic features to supplement our accounting package, we realized an increase in cash flow of 30 percent. During the 10 years I’d been in business credit, I had never seen anything like it.

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Efficiency Unleashed: How Chase-it Is Revolutionising Business Debt Collection

Know-It Global

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, managing overdue payments can be an inconvenient and time-consuming task for companies of all sizes. Late payment chasing often requires significant manual effort, leading to inefficiencies, delays, and strained customer relationships. However, with technology-driven solutions like Chase-it, businesses now have a powerful ally in streamlining the debt collection processes and unlocking new levels of efficiency.

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Finally Get What You Want: The Manifesting Method That Works


Are there times when you have dreamed of achieving a specific goal but have felt unsure how to accomplish it? Maybe you aspire to have a fulfilling career, to be in a loving relationship, or to have financial security. Thankfully, these aspirations aren’t just wishful thinking. The universe has a powerful secret that can help you manifest anything you desire.

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5 Important Steps to Get Funded


It happens all the time. Businesses reach the point that they need outside funding, but don’t know where to start to find and receive it. There are plenty of reasons new businesses need funding, and their owners must be strategic and figure out where potential lenders fit in. Reasons for funding could range anywhere from … Continue reading "5 Important Steps to Get Funded" The post 5 Important Steps to Get Funded published first on.


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The Importance of Transparency in Business | Beyond the Books Podcast by

Accounting Department

Andrea Boccard teams up with Dennis Najjar, co-founder of, to explore the pivotal role of transparency in business success.

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How to Set-up BigCommerce Follow Up Purchase Order Email


Your connection with customers continues even after they buy something from you. After making a purchase, customers expect to receive certain updates from you. For example, they want to know that their order went through successfully, the current status of their order, and any other important news related to their purchase. By sending a BigCommerce follow up purchase order email , you can provide customers with all the information they need.

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91% Fail at Goals? Here’s Why (and How to Be the 9%)


Have you ever set a goal and then watched it fade away? Let me tell you, you’re not alone. For example, a whopping 91% of people who decide to make New Year’s resolutions do not achieve them. That’s quite a dismal success rate. We are halfway through the new year now. How are you doing with your goals? Here’s the thing, though: I used to be one of those 91%.

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‘How Does Anybody Think It’s Fair to Be Keeping This Quiet?’ Asks Perplexed Judge in Van Deelen RICO Case Against Former Judge Jones

Reorg Blog

The post ‘How Does Anybody Think It’s Fair to Be Keeping This Quiet?’ Asks Perplexed Judge in Van Deelen RICO Case Against Former Judge Jones appeared first on Reorg.

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Capital Investment for Waste and Recycling Companies

Commercial Credit Group

During WasteExpo 2024, Kevin McGinn, Sr. VP for Commercial Credit Group Inc. (CCG), moderated a panel discussion titled Capital Investments: Choosing Areas for Investment & Where to Get the Capital. Panel members included: Dan Christensen from CARDS Recycling , Martin Mattsson from Volvo Construction Equipment , and Rusty Angel from Machinex. This post highlights some of the important points from the session and provides some key takeaways that waste and recycling companies can use to guide

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Mastering Spend Management: Proven Tips and Strategies for Effective Cost Control

Accounting Department

Every business faces a variety of major accounting and spending-related challenges. Chief among them — how can a business keep its spending to a minimum while still ensuring that they invest in growth areas and achieve its business goals?

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Troubleshooting Common Issues with BigCommerce Order API


BigCommerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that offers a robust API to help businesses manage their online stores. However, like any API, the BigCommerce Order API can sometimes present challenges. This guide will explore common issues users encounter with the BigCommerce Order API , provide troubleshooting steps, and offer solutions to ensure smooth operation.

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Setting the Facts Straight: Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Before Retirement? 


Many American savers are caught between paying off their mortgage before retirement or taking that money and putting it towards growing their retirement savings. Sure, having more money during your golden years could help provide you with more financial security when you’re not working anymore, but carrying long-term debt can be a cost burden and quickly drain a person’s savings.

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Altice France Approaches Creditors to Gauge Viability of LME

Reorg Blog

Reporting: Luca Rossi, Harvard Zhang, Andrew Ross, Chiara Elisei Altice France is reaching out to its secured and unsecured creditors via advisor JPMorgan to gauge the viability of a potential liability management exercise, according to sources.

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10 Common Mistakes Made in Commercial Credit Management

Credit Management Group UK

Throughout my years in commercial credit management, I have identified several mistakes that companies make within their order to cash process; mistakes that are often very small and easily fixed; make enough of them, however, and you could find your cash flow isn’t flowing the way you would like it to. Mistakes in Commercial Credit Management: no terms and conditions of sale It is amazing how many times I have come across a company that don’t include their terms of sale with their quotes.

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Is an interest rate cut overdue?

Cpcmcredit Blog

It can be tempting just to look at such questions through the prism of our narrow sector. It’s highly unlikely the Bank of England is going to announce a cut in rates to “help the invoice finance market” but that of course doesn’t mean that the IF market isn’t affected by the present relatively high rates. The same applies to the straightforward business loans and perhaps even more so, to equipment and asset financing, which tends to be a little more price sensitive

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How to Use BigCommerce Order Status API for Real-Time Updates


BigCommerce, a leading eCommerce platform, offers the Order Status API, a powerful tool that enables merchants to automate real-time updates of their order statuses. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through getting started with the BigCommerce Order Status API , automating real-time order status updates, and leveraging its capabilities to streamline your eCommerce operations.

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Terraform and Kwon to Pay $4.5 Billion for fraud case result


Terraform Labs PTE, Ltd. and Do Kwon have agreed to pay $4.5 billion to settle the results of a fraud case. According to a statement by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), both entities have been found guilty of securities fraud on a mass scale, underscoring the authority’s crucial role in laying down the ban hammer to illegal practices.

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Sponsor SVP Builds Roughly €90M Stake in Kloeckner Pentaplast Subs

Reorg Blog

Reporting: Robert Schach Relevant Items: Offering Memorandum Core Analysis Sponsor Strategic Value Partners has been buying up the subordinated bonds in plastic packaging group Kloeckner Pentaplast, or KP, and has accumulated a roughly €90 million stake in the €300 million tranche,

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Working at Onguard: Meet Maarten


A B2B sales professional tends to stay with a company for 3-5 years on average, before moving on to the next role. What makes someone stick with an organisation for longer? We asked Maarten, who recently completed 30 years in his Onguard journey. You know he is the one passing by your desk because you hear a whistle. He is an early bird, he enjoys asking questions to keep everyone busy, and his main hobby is to “enjoy life” Maarten, Global Account Director at Onguard, has made a val

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But will they actually cut rates?

Cpcmcredit Blog

Julian Jessop is an economist always worth reading. He leans to the right but i’ve found that he’s a very clear communicator who’s strong with explaining data without being excessively in thrall to it. He’s much more Paul Krugman than Will Hutton, thankfully His view is that rates might not be cut rapidly for four main reasons.

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How to Simplify Order Processing with BigCommerce Create Order API


Efficient order processing is crucial in the eCommerce industry to deliver a flawless shopping experience and increase consumer satisfaction. BigCommerce, a central eCommerce platform, provides the Create Order API, a powerful tool that allows merchants to speed up order processing while improving the entire consumer experience. In this detailed tutorial, we’ll lead you through the steps to get started with the BigCommerce Create Order API , streamline order processing, and use its feature

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Understanding Inflation’s Impact on Economy in Summer 2024


Inflation and the consumer price index The Federal Reserve meeting began with the unveiling of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) – a tool used to measure the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. The CPI for May revealed that inflation did not increase, a result that surpassed the expectations of many market analysts.

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Intrum Explores €500M Plus New Money Options From Existing, New Investors

Reorg Blog

Reporting: Chiara Elisei, Luca Rossi Swedish debt collector Intrum is in discussions with both its existing bondholders and third party investors about the provision of new money, sources close told Reorg. The company is looking for more than €500 million, the sources said.

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What Is the Accounts Receivable Process?


Many businesses rely on manual spreadsheets to manage their accounts receivables process, often with each individual collector only having information about his or her own accounts. This makes the process cumbersome, prone to human errors and challenging when collaboration is necessary between different collections agents, A/R roles or departments within your business.

DSO 52
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New look and new features

Credit Tools

Take a look at the new Credit Management Tools! New features, updated tutorials and so on.

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Teamwork Made Easy: Staff Assignment for BigCommerce


The secret to success in the e-commerce sector is the synergistic interaction between talent and technology. The human factor is what brings innovation, creativity, and strategic thinking to the table even though BigCommerce supplies the digital infrastructure for online operations. This article explores the tactical application of staff assignment in BigCommerce companies, acknowledging that wise human resource management is essential to realizing the platform’s maximum potential.

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Realtors Relief Foundation donates $2 million to tornado victims


The National Association of Realtors announced today (June 13) that the Realtors Relief Foundation (RRF) will donate $2 million to tornado victims. Since the tornado in Arkansas, families have been devastated by the damage to housing and personal items caused by this savage display of nature’s forces. RFF donates $2 million in relief support to victims The National Association of Realtors post says the RFF relief will go to realtors in the state to help rebuild communities.

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Ares, Eurazeo, Barings Maintain Top Direct Lending Positions; Direct Lending Activity in Q1’24 Fell 12.3% YoY as BSL Market Returns

Reorg Blog

The post Ares, Eurazeo, Barings Maintain Top Direct Lending Positions; Direct Lending Activity in Q1’24 Fell 12.3% YoY as BSL Market Returns appeared first on Reorg.

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How to Start a Successful Delivery Business


This guide will walk you through the key steps to start a delivery business. There are no universal road maps for this process, so it’s important to connect with a trusted mentor who can help you navigate the inevitable challenges and surprises that arise. Contact your local SCORE office if you don’t already have a mentor. 1. Start with a solid business plan.