June, 2017

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The 5 Top QuickBooks Apps of 2017


There are so many amazing apps that sync with QuickBooks —it’s difficult to choose just five. But after careful deliberation and reflection on my own experience with these apps, I think we’ve come to the right conclusions. Below you’ll find the five must-have apps that will make your life easier when you use them in conjunction with QuickBooks. 1. Billbeez.

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Small U.S. accounting firms and their consultative future


While the Big 4 firms often receive the majority of coverage and attention in the accounting industry, they are far from representative of the average firm in the U.S. In fact, 90% of all accounting firms have 10 or fewer collective partners or owners ( AFOT ). By 2024, sector growth of 11 percent is expected - this forecast should provide confidence for you and especially your clients.


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Common payment obstacles facing the SaaS industry


Payment processing presents many obstacles for the modern SaaS company. From managing failed transactions effectively to handling payments smoothly across different devices --there’s no shortage of challenges to deal with.

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Join Credit & Management Systems in Grapevine, TX at NACM’s 121st Credit Congress.

Credit & Management Systems, Inc.

Join Credit & Management Systems in Grapevine, TX. at NACM’s 121st Credit Congress. We will be in the Exhibit Hall in Booth 406. Stop by our booth to say hello and to check out the latest in our cloud-based suite of credit tools, CMS Credit Suite! Exhibit Hall hours are: Sunday, June 11th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Monday, June 12th from 10:45 am to 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm (Beer & Browse Reception).

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5 Email Scripts to Properly Ask for Late Payments


Invoicing is one of those inevitable things every business encounters. It is the bill you send when the job is done, the document you use to charge for your work. In most countries, invoicing is regulated and required by law, so every company should keep such records for taxation purposes. But invoicing should not be taken lightly. The process is more than just preparing invoices in your preferred invoicing software.

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5 Cash flow management best practices for business owners


By Alison Nailor, Sageworks As a business owner, you understand it’s important to be aware of your company’s cash flow and manage it well. In the rush of day to day business management, however, this can be difficult. According to a recent Crowe Horwath survey of manufacturing companies and distributors, 54 percent do not have a strategy for managing their working capital.

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How to run quarterly roundups and use balance business scorecards at your firm


The great Yankee catcher Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.” I am confident that your clients have strategic plans, business plans and budgets. I am also confident they are keenly aware of their gross and net profit margins. However, what do their plans or budgets mean if they are not put into the context of their industry’s trends and economic/regulatory factors?

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Our Killer Small Business Budget Template Will Save You Time (And Money!)


Recently I showed you how to create a stellar QuickBooks Online Budget. That process works really well, but today I am going to do one better. I am going to show you how our small business budget template will save you time and money. Access the template here (click File, then Make a Copy): Killer Small Business Budget. There’s a Catch! You’re going to be able to access the template created in this video (above), however, you won’t want to use that one for your own.

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The Economics of Starting a Business in Florida


If you’re reading this, chances aren’t bad that you’re in Florida. The Sunshine State is the nation’s fourth biggest by population and is soon to overtake New York as the third. It’s a state with hundreds of miles of beach, no state income tax, glitzy and glamorous cities, as well as unique natural beauty, and relatively low property taxes. With over 19 million residents, there are plenty of entrepreneurially minded Floridians asking the same question: What are the economics of starting my own s

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What Is a UCC Filing? (And Why Your Business Needs to Know This)


Interested in expanding your business credit profile? Great! There’s so much that goes into that process, but an often overlooked aspect is your business’s history with UCC-1 filings. . You might have seen a reference to a UCC-1 filing on your business’s credit report, but if that previous sentence just launched you into financial confusion—don’t worry!

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How to prevent or close deal-breaking valuation gaps


Whether a company is a Main Street florist or Fortune 100, executives and owners struggle with the gap between their perceived value of the business and the market value. In fact, this valuation gap is the top reason private-company transactions fail to close, according to the 2017 Private Capital Markets Report by Pepperdine University. For more than half of the deals that flopped in 2016 due to a gap in pricing, the difference was at least 20 percent.

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The Accountant’s Guide to Performing a Stellar Cash Flow Analysis


Your business is doing really well; you’ve worked hard, invested your time, money, sweat, and tears! Finally, an opportunity to land that big sale or create a strategic partnership that will move your business to the next level has arrived and you know that it will change everything. But what if your company isn’t able to seize this opportunity due to poor cash flow?

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Win Your Customers’ Trust and Business with Transparent Pricing


We’ve all been there: You buy what you feel is probably an overpriced product from a major brand, and as you leave the store you wonder how much it actually costs to make. Are you buying marketing and advertising as much as the product itself? And how much of what you paid actually goes to the workers who made them, rather than the corporate executives?

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3 Options If You’re Looking for 0% APR Business Credit Cards


Business credit cards with 0% interest can be a great option for small business financing. You only borrow what you need, and you have a period of time to pay off your debts interest-free. On some credit cards, you can even earn rewards on your purchases. And 0% APR credit cards are particularly appealing if you have a new business and want to pay for startup expenses like furnishing the office, getting your initial inventory, and other setup costs.

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How Amazon Could Dominate Yet Another Industry: Small Business Lending


If you’ve kept up with the latest on Amazon, then you know that they’re all over the news this month. Not only did they recently acquire grocery mega-store Whole Foods for a whopping $13.7 billion, they’ve also made a formidable entrance into the small business financing space. The company announced earlier this month that the Amazon Lending program has doled out more than $1 billion in loans in the last 12 months.

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Infographic: Spotlight on Entrepreneurship in the USA


There’s never been a more exciting time to be a small business owner in America. There are more than 28 million small businesses, entrepreneurship is seen as a viable career path, and individuals looking to start up a company have access to a ton of resources. . At Fundera, we see statistics about small businesses and business growth on a daily basis, and we’re always trying to find the most interesting and helpful numbers for our readers.

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Small Business Set-Asides: How Do They Work?


Many small business owners are curious about small business set-asides—how do they work and how you can get in on the action? Here’s a closer look. Every year, the federal government buys some $500 billion worth of goods and services from the private sector. Does a small business stand a chance of winning any of those contracts? Yes, thanks to the SBA.

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8 Ways to Easily Bootstrap a Small Business


Starting a new business isn’t easy. And while your funds will almost definitely be stretched to the max, there are plenty of ways to cut costs and still drive growth and development for your small business without spending a fortune. Approaching these early challenges with creativity, purpose, and energy will help you build a strong foundation for your company’s future.

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Fintech Partnerships: A competitive advantage


Many banks and credit unions have found a path to growth via partnerships with fintechs. For some financial institutions, partnering with software providers has helped them maintain a competitive advantage. Technology partners offer much more than just software to banks; a fintech partnership provides delivery channels, convenience, corporate governance , advisory services, and industry data.

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Can You Trust Your Accountant? If You See These Signs, the Answer Is No


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , 1,332,700 people in the US call themselves accountants, and according to the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) , t here are over 660,000 active CPAs. With so many accountants out there, how do you know that you’re working with one you can trust? According to the AICPA, 168 CPAs received disciplinary actions in 2016 and 78 have already been reprimanded in the 1st quarter of 2017.

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6 Payment Innovations to Be Excited About in 2017


Last year brought a number of technological advancements in payments that are building excitement for what’s to come in 2017. Here are some of the payment innovations that are creating buzz among consumers, businesses, and merchants. 1. Changing Use of Countertop Checkout Devices. The idea that there will be changes in any countertop device used in a store for checking out is exciting for retailers who can reduce their hardware investment, while consumers get an improved purchase experience.

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Do Small Business Startup Loans With No Credit Checks Exist?


Credit is a funny thing. Many of us don’t even consider our credit scores until we need to take out a personal or business loan. Only then do we understand the implications of our credit score on buying a home, getting a car, or starting our dream business. Do small business startup loans with no credit checks exist? The short answer is no for traditional financing.

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Credit Report Dispute: How to Do It Quickly and Effectively


Are you a part of the 35% of Americans who have never checked their credit report? If you are, you might want to request your yearly free personal credit report. That’s because one in five consumers have an error on their credit report—and you could be paying higher interest rates on your credit products ( credit cards , auto loans, mortgages, business loans , etc.) if you don’t deal with any mistakes on your report.

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The most asked questions on global cash flow analysis: passive v. non-passive income/loss


During a recent Sageworks webinar , Linda Keith, CPA, covered the top questions she gets from bankers on k-1’s, pass-throughs and global cash flow analysis. Keith collected data from her website, where articles answering these questions collectively received over 66,700 views. Keith’s most viewed article on her site, with over 21,400 views, is “What does it mean when the k-1 income/loss is listed as ‘passive’ instead of ‘non-passive’”?

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How to find data adequacy ahead of CECL


FASB's guidance for estimating expected credit losses is not prescriptive, so, examiners are not asking exactly how you plan to calculate your reserve under CECL today. However, due to the shift from an incurred to expected loss model, banks need to be working on loan-level data collection now as a first step toward being compliant under future GAAP.

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How to navigate technology choices: New resource available


There’s a reason many people wait until their mobile phone is hopelessly outdated before getting a newer version. Technology change can be overwhelming. Learning about new phones, selecting one that best meets current and future needs, ensuring it’s a fair price and getting it to work the way it should are among the steps that inhibit many people from “upgrading” until they absolutely have to.

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Bank exam “hot spot”: Inflating policy limits to avoid scrutiny


The desire to avoid examiner scrutiny may tempt some financial institutions to set the bar high when it comes to credit and liquidity risk management policy limits, but regulators are discouraging this approach. Instead, the Federal Reserve said in a recent supervision news flash , boards should ensure that policy limits align with the institution’s true strategy and risk appetite – at both the board and management level.

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Have you fed the alligator? Assessing your credit union’s risk appetite


Would you swim across a pool with an alligator for $1 million? Some people may say yes, some no. Some may ask – has the alligator been fed? How big is the alligator? How big is the pool? Successful strategic plans require goals that are determined through risk identification and assessment, as well as an understanding of the different degrees of risk involved.

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How much cash should a company have?


Just as oxygen keeps humans alive and moving, cash keeps businesses surviving and thriving. How much cash is enough to meet the vital needs of a business? Is the same amount of cash sufficient for a two-owner hair salon as for a restaurant with two partners or for a builder with no employees? A survey by the JPMorgan Chase Institute found that cash balances vary dramatically across industries, but in many cases, cash is scarce enough that the typical small business has little room for error.

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Performing business valuations with optimal efficiency


Are business valuations at your firm as timely as they should be? Could the practice serve more clients each year if it could accelerate the process of performing business valuations? How long “should” a business valuation take? These are all relevant questions for advisory firms, particularly given the number of business owners who may need business-appraisal services as they consider retirement or approach retirement age.

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Ahead of upcoming CECL meeting the FASB releases memos to shed light on implementation questions


Ahead of a meeting by financial-institution representatives, auditors and others, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have released five memos providing staff analyses of several issues raised about the nuances of implementing its Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model. The Transition Resource Group for Credit Losses will meet Monday beginning at 8:30 a.m.