December, 2015

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This San Francisco Pizzeria Brings Deaf and Hearing Communities Together


Mozzeria: A Small Business Revolution Mini-Documentary from The Small Business Revolution on Vimeo. Melody always wanted to open a restaurant. Russ grew up on New York City pizza. So when it was time for a career change for the both of them, the answer seemed obvious: a wood-fired pizza restaurant they’d call Mozzeria. Running a restaurant in San Francisco is no small feat.

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Business development strategies for 2016: Marketing


A favorite principle that financial advisors like to discuss is “compounding”: How saving a little now can help magnify your returns down the road as the interest or the investment gains multiply. This concept of compounding is appealing. After all, who doesn’t like to get back more than they put into something? Undoubtedly, many accounting firms providing periodic reviews of their marketing budgets seek ways to get more out of what they are investing in marketing.


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Bacs TLS and SHA-2 Security Updates


The deadline is getting ever closer. you'll need to upgrade unless your software supports the new security standard.

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Marketing to Millennials 101


Everyone’s talking about the millennial generation these days. Born anywhere from the early 1980s to the early 2000s, millennials are generally 20 to 37 years old and clock in at about 80 million—making them the fastest-growing group of consumers in the United States. Millennials aren’t just young adults living on their parent’s couch. Although often described as the “selfie generation” and cast in a negative light, this is only part of a larger, more complex profile.

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104 Small Business Grants (And Growing!)


“Free money.” If you’re starting or running a business, nothing sounds better. Sadly, there’s no such thing…. Unless you count small business grants. Unlike loans, grants don’t need to be repaid, so there’s no worry over term length, interest rates, APR, or refinancing. You just need to qualify, and boom—free money. There are two caveats, though. First, grants are generally pretty specific about what you can spend that money on, whereas loans tend to be very flexible.

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Fundera’s Five Days of Giving: Calling All Small Business Owners


We’ve made it to our last day of Fundera’s Five Days of Giving. In case you didn’t know, every day this week we’ve been raffling off a basket filled with gifts from our very own customers’ small businesses. To shake things up, today’s prize will go to whoever has the most entries. (If there’s a tie, we’ll raffle it off between the top entrants.).

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Fundera’s Five Days of Giving: This One’s for the Girls


We’re smack dab in the middle of our Five Days of Giving. As a reminder, every day this week we’ll be raffling off a basket filled with gifts from our very own customers’ small businesses. Help us take some of that holiday shopping off your plate—and into your home. You can enter the contest by completing any of the tasks below—and the more you finish, the more entries you get.

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Fundera’s Five Days of Giving: Taking Care of Baby


Welcome to the 2nd day of Fundera’s Five Days of Giving ! Remember: every day this week we’ll be raffling off a basket filled with gifts from our very own customers’ small businesses. Help us take some of that holiday shopping off your plate—and into your home. You can enter the contest by completing any of the tasks below—and the more you finish, the more entries you get.

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Fundera’s Five Days of Giving: Enter Today to Win for Your Pup at Home!


Today marks the first day of Fundera’s Five Days of Giving ! As a reminder, every day this week we’ll be raffling off a gift basket filled with all sorts of goodies from our customers’ small businesses. Help us take some of that holiday shopping off your plate—and into your doggie bowl. You can enter the contest by completing any of the tasks below—and the more you finish, the more entries you get.

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Here’s How to Win Big During Fundera’s Five Days of Giving


Next week, December 7th through December 11th, mark your calendars for Fundera’s first ever Five Days of Giving! Every day next week, we’re going to raffle off a gift basket filled with goodies from our very own customers. That’s right—you’ll have 5 chances to walk away with a basket of items from some of the country’s coolest small businesses.

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Top 5 Reasons You Need Good Business Credit


Most of us know that good personal credit makes it easier to purchase a home, get a job, or rent an apartment. But did you know that as a business owner, you’ve got a whole other set of credit reports and scores to worry about? These other reports, based on your business, get generated pretty much the same way personal credit reports do. The main business credit report bureaus are Experian, Dun & Bradstreet, and Equifax, and business lenders and commercial partners all look at these reports

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Confusing Lending Acronyms: What the Heck Do They Mean?


The world of small business lending is filled with acronyms—it can make your head spin. Whether you’re researching funding options, applying for a business loan , or signing documents after being approved, it’s important to know what all those lending acronyms mean. Here’s a rundown of some lending acronyms you might come across. ACH. Automated Clearing House.

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Getting Important Financials From QuickBooks


It’s that time of year again: tax season is upon us. Close your books and get ready to file! It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Just get your accounting cleaned up and organized. But I know it isn’t easy for many small business owners—like I always say, you didn’t start your business to do bank reconciliations (but I did!). Got this one here. Every year we get clients who come to us in a panic, because they can’t quite figure out how to make something work in QuickBooks, or what basic reports the

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3 simple ways to differentiate a valuation practice in 2016


Let's assume, for the purpose of this article, that you are operating a successful valuation or accounting firm. Or, perhaps you're an M&A professional or business broker, but no matter the nature of your work, you have a cash flow positive, successful organization. Yet your work valuing businesses and advising owners has made you painfully aware that competition is always around the corner.

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Be a profit center: Add value to your consulting engagements


By Adam Blitz, Principal and Consultant at GetBlitzed Solutions CPA’s can be invaluable. However, CPA’s often dive into accounting work that only meets the compliance requirements. It’s common knowledge that clients need tax returns or financial statements completed and submitted in a timely manner. It’s also well known that the information derived from these resources can be crucial in strengthening a client’s ability to reach their goals.

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Commercial lending software: Buyer’s guide


Depending on the size of your bank or credit union, your credit department may be set up in different team structures. It might even be just a few people with shared responsibility. If your institution underwrites and reviews enough loans annually, it’s likely that you have adopted some type of spreading, ratio analysis or global software designed to help you identify and measure credit risk in potential and existing borrowers.

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12 questions to ask in consultative client meetings


When accountants go to client meetings they run the risk of either going in without a plan or fail to innovate their usual tactics for understanding their client. Since most business owners view accountants as a commodity , prioritizing the ways you communicate with your client during your annual or quarterly meetings is critical to displaying your value.

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Most businesses aren’t selling; guide your clients to a successful exit


Are you the go-to person when your business clients decide to exit their businesses – either through a sale or transfer to family, key employees or a third party? Chances are, you’re not. Only 12 percent of business owners, including those who plan to exit as soon as five years, identify CPAs as someone they’ve spoken with about their plans to exit or stay in business, according to a 2014 survey by the Business Enterprise Institute (BEI), a business management consulting firm and network of exit

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Incorporating accounting industry trends into your growth plans


Reflecting on the past year, accountants can undoubtedly point to goals they have achieved and some that have been left unmet. The start of a new year is an excellent time to regroup and refocus your practice on growth and how to most effectively and efficiently achieve it. Katie Tolin, past president of the Association for Accounting Marketing and founder of CPA Growth Guides LLC, believes that several trends driving accounting firm growth over the past year will become even more important in t

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6 Questions to help accountants sell advisory services


If you are following the large accounting industry news outlets, it’s no surprise that the role of an accountant has been, is currently and will continue to shift from compliance work to consulting engagements. The resistance to this change has been threefold: First, there is not enough time in the day to make drastic shifts in operations, especially for the vast majority of smaller accounting firms.

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Most popular valuation webinars of 2015


Looking back at 2015, the Sageworks valuation team hosted and attended webinars across a variety of topics from marketing a practice to finding the bias in a valuation. Each of the webinars listed below is available on demand to watch at no cost. In this article, we highlight some of our favorite webinars from the year. We also offer a few tips to those planning their own thought leadership webinars as their firms gain traction as leaders in their market.

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How to weight your risk rating system


In today’s environment, having an effective risk rating system in place helps beyond determining an institution’s credit approval process or loan pricing. These systems also impact broader risk management practices, including setting an institution’s reserve, stress testing, determining risk appetites and strategic planning. With little prescriptive guidance available, banks and credit unions can customize their risk rating system to fit the unique characteristics of their portfolio.

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Sageworks’ speakers tackle tough banking topics


Sageworks banking industry experts are winding down a busy year of disseminating information and facilitating discussions on regulatory changes, such as the FASB’s upcoming move to the current expected credit loss model (CECL), and on best practices for portfolio risk management and credit analysis. Sageworks consultants have hosted and spoken at roughly two dozen regional and national events and industry conferences attended by hundreds of banking and credit union executives, regulators and ind

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Top 10 banking webinars of 2015


Are you staying current with the hot topics in banking? While the FASB’s CECL model has garnered much of the industry’s attention as of late, several other topics within credit, stress testing and the ALLL were of interest to banks and credit unions in 2015. Sageworks, a provider of credit risk and portfolio management solutions , regularly hosts complimentary webinars for banks and credit unions.

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Whitepaper: How technology is changing the way firms operate


The following is an excerpt from the Sageworks whitepaper "The Automation Revolution: How Technology is Changing the Way Firms Operate". As consumers adopt the latest technology, businesses must do the same in order to provide services and customer experiences that align with today’s technology. The feeling of visiting a financial services firm – or any business – and seeing an outdated website or paper contracts instead of electronic signatures can leave the impression of outmoded qualification

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How to Find SBA Real Estate Loans for Your Small Business


Looking to purchase real estate, fixtures, or equipment to expand your small business? These necessary expenses can run pretty costly, which is why many business owners turn to outside financing to help carry that burden. You can explore a number of different funding options—from traditional bank loans to the newer wave of online lenders—but don’t overlook the possibility of SBA real estate loans.

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How Business Insurance Fits into Your Revenue Growth Strategy


A lot goes into running a successful business, but in the long term, one question matters most: are you making more money than you’re spending? If the answer is no, your business model isn’t sustainable. If the answer is yes, the follow-up question is usually about how you can make more. While most business owners get this right away, they tend to be less familiar with the role insurance can play in boosting that revenue they earn.

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Health-Food Entrepreneur Shares Her Bite-Sized Secrets to Success


Most people quit their diets when they get bored of health food—but Tracy Scott started a business. Owner of Tracy’s Gourmet since 2013, Tracy designs, produces, and sells specialty health-oriented salad dressings with flavors you won’t find anywhere else, like Luscious Lavender and Aloha Kick. And what’s more, not only did Tracy start a business while working part-time somewhere else… She made it successful.

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Why You’re Getting 101 Calls After Securing a Small Business Loan


Has this ever happened to you? You want financing for your small business, so you do your homework and finally find the perfect small business loan for what you need. But after your funding comes through, you’re suddenly getting dozens of telemarketing calls from loan brokers, small business lenders, and alternative financing sources. Why does this happen?

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How Two Classmates Are Growing Their Business from the Ground Up


Day in the Life: Mushroom Kit Entrepreneurs from ConnectEd Studios on Vimeo. Business isn’t the only thing growing at Oakland’s own Back to the Roots. Co-Founders Alejandro Velez and Nikhil Arora are hard at work farming a forest of delicious gourmet mushrooms—in a warehouse. Alejandro and Nikhil stumbled upon the idea for their small business while in school together.

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We’re Updating Our Usage Policies!


Effective December 17th, 2015, we’re updating our Terms of Service , Privacy Policy , and Secure Application Service Agreement. We’re making a few tweaks to accommodate some new tools and practices that’ll improve your experience with us. If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty, we recommend perusing the actual documents—but we’ll provide a quick overview of the major changes here.