Sat.Jul 08, 2017 - Fri.Jul 14, 2017

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Quickbooks Online vs Xero: A Deep Dive


It’s no secret that Intuit’s QuickBooks has dominated the accounting software market for the better part of two decades. In fact, 2015 estimates put the company at 80%-90% market share serving over 29 million businesses in North America alone. For the past few years, however, competition in the field of cloud-based accounting software has been heating up.

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Registration deadline approaching - Risk management summit 2017


One month before the primary registration period ends. Register now and save $100 per registration. The 2017 Risk Management Summit presented by Sageworks is set for September 25-27th in Denver, CO. The Summit is the industry’s leading life-of-loan conference, spanning loan origination through portfolio risk management in a CECL - current expected credit loss - world.


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How to maximise payment method performance: A guide for gym owners


Expert tips to ensure your gym blows away the competition and keeps on delivering, day in and day out.

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5 Signs You Need to File for Bankruptcy


In your earliest days as a business owner, you probably never imagined that you might someday file for bankruptcy. You had big plans and dreams for your business! You were so optimistic about the future, and you had every intention of building a profitable, successful company. Isn’t that what every entrepreneur aims for? Yet despite these best-laid plans, changes in the marketplace, threats from competition, and miscalculated business strategies force thousands of business owners per year to fil

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10 Entrepreneurs’ Advice on Keeping Business Running Smoothly While You’re on Vacation


As a small business owner, you work tirelessly for your company. In order to preserve mental health, creativity, and drive, you need to take vacation from time to time. However, as the owner of your business, taking vacation can add even more stress to the equation. If you’re off the map and disconnected, how can you make sure that your business is operating at full capacity while you’re away?

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Become a Quickbooks Power User with These 4 Sneaky Tips


More and more and small business owners are moving away from confusing spreadsheets in favor of accounting software like QuickBooks that makes it easy to track your expenses, set your budget, get organized when tax time comes around, and so much more. We know how busy you are as a small business owner. And while QuickB ooks is a pretty user-friendly platform, it does have tons of little-known features that can help you save even more time while you manage your expenses.

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Case Study: How You Can Capitalize on the Selfie Booth Craze


For many small business owners with brick-and-mortar locations, uncertainty has become the norm. Even if you also sell your products through online channels, it can be tough to see a path forward with companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart looming ever larger in the retail, food, and ecommerce spaces. How can businesses best utilize their physical locations so that they don’t simply become a catalogue for shoppers who only browse and take their money elsewhere?

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9 Business Founders on the Lessons Learned From Their First Jobs


When you think of your first job, what comes to mind? Some might remember drudgery, mindless tasks, and small paychecks. Others may remember the feeling of empowerment and independence upon receiving their first paycheck. Whatever kind of job you had, there’s surely something you remember about it and there’s probably even more you learned from it. Lessons of perseverance, dependability, discipline, and even financial savvy can come from our first jobs.

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Infographic: Growing Baby Boomer Demand for Valuation Services


Inform your firm's strategy by quantifying the size of the business opportunity for valuation professionals as more and more baby boomers seek to sell their businesses in the coming years. As retirement is the #1 driver of small business sales, the financial opportunity to service baby boomers is an undeniable occasion to grow a business valuation practice.

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Are you ready? Increasing regulation for small business lenders


In December of 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s associate directors of the Office of Fair Lending expressed a new shift in priorities that will increase focus on small business lending, among other loan types. A group of bankers from the Tennessee Bankers Association met with representatives of the CFPB and expressed concern about this new focus, citing difficulties that prior data collection requirements from the CFPB on mortgage loans had caused.

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Let’s Bust These 5 Myths About Immigrant Workers


“Immigrants are here to ruin this country.”. If there’s one thing people are good at, it’s creating stereotypes. All you have to do is choose to believe what everyone else thinks about a group of people rather than form your own opinion, and there you go, you’ve got yourself a stereotype. In fact, any opinion about a large group of people has a major flaw — people are different.

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How Free Bookkeeping Software Might Cost You in the End


If you do a Google search for bookkeeping software, you might be surprised by the number of options available. Along with the well-known providers, you will notice a number of lesser-known solutions, and a lot of these companies offer their bookkeeping software for free. That can be a huge temptation when you are bootstrapping your business! There is a reason most bookkeepers and accountants shy away from free bookkeeping software, though.

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This Small Business Owner Is on a Mission to Spread the Joy of Comics


Comic Books Downtown Oakland, CA – Cape & Cowl Comics from Steve Aitkins / Newmira Films on Vimeo. Eitan Manhoff doesn’t put much stock in the stereotype of the “geeky white guy” comic book fan. Manhoff’s customers might be geeks, sure, but he’s seen firsthand that comic book lovers are a much broader and more diverse group than most comic retailers realize.

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Top 4 Business Credit Cards for Travel Rewards


Whether you want to earn points and miles when you’re flying to see clients, want a killer signup bonus, or simply want to keep your work and personal expenses separate, a business travel credit card can be your lifeline. On top of helping you rack up rewards, travel cards often come with perks that make flights and hotels more bearable—lounge access, concierge service, and more.