Sat.Jul 01, 2017 - Fri.Jul 07, 2017

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New Business? Here Are the 6 Financial Apps You Need


Starting a new business is never easy. From setting up your legal structure to landing new clients to actually running the business—your to-do list can get out of hand pretty quickly. However, certain technology solutions can help you streamline processes and stay organized from the get-go. Try these six apps to make your life easier when you’re starting your new business. 1.

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Credit union FAQs: Implementing the new MBL rule


It’s been more than six months since the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) issued its revised member business lending (MBL) rule in January 2017. Among other things, the new MBL rule further defines the difference between commercial and member business loans and states that non-member loans do not count toward the statutory MBL cap. With the new rule in effect, the NCUA has received several questions regarding its implications.


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8 Inspiring Podcasts Every Small Business Owner Needs to Download


Today’s professional is busier than ever. With crazy work schedules, spending time with family and friends, cooking dinner, and maybe even working out every once and a while, when are we supposed to enjoy a quiet afternoon of reading? If you’re looking for a way to get business know-how, inspiration, and ideas—but don’t have time to read business books, business podcasts may be the perfect solution.

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Merchant Cash Advance Regulation: Does It Exist? Here’s What You Need to Know


If you’re a small business owner looking for quick business loans with little hassle, then a merchant cash advance probably looks like a pretty good deal to you. Online applications, same-day cash, and little documentation needed? Sounds just like what you need. But before you act on applying for a merchant cash advance , proceed with caution: Merchant cash advances are the most expensive financing option on the market.

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Cash Flow vs. Profit: What’s the Difference?


Imagine this: You meet with your accountant at the end of the year to review your tax return and she tells you fantastic news. You made a sizable profit in your business! But you’re stunned because there’s no cash in the bank and you have no idea how you’re going to pay the income taxes now due on the profit. How can this possibly happen?

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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Small Business Insurance


Your livelihood is vital to your well-being. And you wouldn’t want to put either at risk by not obtaining the proper insurance coverage when you’re starting your new business. The right plans protect your small business even as they minimize your risks. When you first decide to become an entrepreneur, it’s important to compare quotes and look into bundling.

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Your next accounting client wants paperless, mobile services


Accountants looking for another reason to justify technology investments in their firms should consider this: The firm’s next generation of business clients are likely to require accounting services that are all or mostly digital. Moreover, younger business owners, in particular, expect accounting services that are in the cloud and accessible on mobile devices.

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Loan Terminology: 8 Jargon Busters You Need to Know


The world of small business financing can be a confusing one—especially if you’re just entering it for the first time. This industry has many acronyms and confusing loan terminology, and if you’ve never shopped for small business loans before, you might feel totally in the dark. Whether you’re just shopping your options, comparing different loan offers, or signing an agreement, it’s important to know the loan terminology that relates to your financing.

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The Pros and Cons of a Startup Business Line of Credit


Running a business certainly has its ups and downs—especially when it comes to finances. Whether you’re just starting out, sustaining or growing an established business, you might experience a surplus one month and then dip into the red the next. So, how do you manage that risk and ensure you have some financial stability to run your business effectively?

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The 9 Best iOS Apps for Retail Stores, Ranked


Just a few decades ago it was unfathomable to think that doing business would be as convenient and low cost as it is today. The rise of the internet has changed the way the world does business in almost every way. Mobile technology has thrown in another curveball: Almost anyone with a mobile device and internet access can start and run a retail business from virtually anywhere.

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7 GIFs That Sum Up Doing Business in a Crowded Niche


Carving out a place for your small business in a popular niche is no small feat. Stiff competition from an ever-growing list of rivals, all vying for the same customers, can have you second-guessing yourself and obsessing over every business decision. Take it easy, business owner! We know the struggle is real. We’ve rounded up a collection of our favorite GIFs to help you laugh it off, keep trucking, and embrace what’s unique about your business. 1.

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What Will Corporate Tax Reform Look Like? Here’s What Small Businesses Need to Know


Though the Trump administration gained office partly through promising huge tax breaks for the country’s largest corporations, these campaign promises don’t seem to be shaping up as law makers attempt to solidify the Republican-led tax reform bill. Indeed, as Trump’s advisers and key lawmakers plan the bill behind closed doors, the 15% corporate tax rate that the President promised becomes less and less feasible.

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What’s the Difference Between Secured and Unsecured Business Credit Cards?


If you’re a small business owner with less-than-stellar credit, you might be considering a secured business credit card. Secured cards are easier to qualify for, and they help raise your credit score so you can eventually get approved for traditional lines of credit. But what does a secured card mean, exactly? We break down the differences between secured and unsecured business credit cards to help you decide which is best for your company.